Res 28 the further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act 2019
On January 25, 2019 in the House:
- Became Public Law No: 116-5. (TXT | PDF)
- On motion that the House agree to the Senate amendment Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H1215-1216)
On January 25, 2019 in the Senate:
- Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S683-684)
On January 25, 2019 in the House:
- Signed by President.
- Presented to President.
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
- Mrs. Lowey asked unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table, with the Senate amendment thereto, and agree to the Senate amendment. (consideration: CR H1215-1216)
On January 25, 2019 in the Senate:
- The joint resolution was considered read the second time.
- Message on Senate action sent to the House.
- Passed Senate with an amendment by Voice Vote.
- S.Amdt.54 Amendment SA 54 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
- S.Amdt.54 Amendment SA 54 proposed by Senator McConnell for Senator Shelby. (consideration: CR S683-684; text: CR S683-684) In the nature of a substitute.
On January 24, 2019 in the Senate:
- Received in the Senate. Read the first time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under Read the First Time.
On January 23, 2019 in the House:
- On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 229 - 184 (Roll no. 46).
- Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H1022-1023)
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
On January 17, 2019 in the House:
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - Pursuant to the order of the House of January 17, 2019, the Chair put the question on passage of H.J.Res. 28 and by voice vote announced that the ayes prevailed. Mr. Scalise demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of passage through the legislative day of January 23, 2019.
- POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Granger motion to recommit with instructions, the Chair put the question on the motion to recommit and by voice vote announced that the noes had prevailed. Ms. Granger demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings until later in the legislative day.
- VITIATION OF EARLIER PROCEEDINGS - Mr. Hoyer asked unanimous consent to vacate proceedings by which House Joint Resolution 28 was passed, and the motion to reconsider laid upon the table, to the end that the Chair put the question on passage of House Joint Resolution 28 de novo, and further that if a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered on the question of passage of House Joint Resolution 28, further proceedings may be postponed through the legislative day of January 23, 2019, as though under clause 8 of rule 20. Agreed to without objection.
- Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
- On passage Passed by voice vote. (text: CR H689)
- On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 195 - 222 (Roll no. 43).
- Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H698-699)
- Rule H. Res. 52 passed House.
- The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.
- Ms. Granger moved to recommit with instructions to the Committee on Appropriations. (text: CR H692)
- The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H.J. Res. 28.
- Rule provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 28. The resolution provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 28 under a closed rule with one motion to recommit. Also, the resolution provides that it shall be in order at any time through the legislative day of January 25, 2019, for the Speaker to entertain motions to suspend the rules.
- Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 52. (consideration: CR H689-692)
- DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Granger motion to recommit with instructions. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the bill to be reported back to the House with an amendment striking the date February 28, 2019 and inserting January 15, 2019.
On January 16, 2019 in the House:
- Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 52 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 28. The resolution provides for consideration of H.J. Res. 28 under a closed rule with one motion to recommit. Also, the resolution provides that it shall be in order at any time through the legislative day of January 25, 2019, for the Speaker to entertain motions to suspend the rules.
On January 14, 2019 in the House:
- Referred to the House Committee on Appropriations.
- Introduced in House
SA 54
In the nature of a substitute.
January 23, 2019: On Passage
- Yeas: 229
- Nays: 184
- Absent: 19
Details: + −
- Ed Case: yea
- Robert B. Aderholt: nay
- Justin Amash: nay
- Karen Bass: yea
- Gus M. Bilirakis: nay
- Rob Bishop: nay
- Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.: yea
- Earl Blumenauer: yea
- Kevin Brady: nay
- Mo Brooks: nay
- Vern Buchanan: nay
- Larry Bucshon: nay
- Michael C. Burgess: nay
- G. K. Butterfield: yea
- Ken Calvert: nay
- Andre Carson: yea
- John R. Carter: nay
- Kathy Castor: yea
- Steve Chabot: nay
- Judy Chu: yea
- David N. Cicilline: yea
- Yvette D. Clarke: yea
- Wm. Lacy Clay: yea
- Emanuel Cleaver: yea
- James E. Clyburn: yea
- Steve Cohen: yea
- Tom Cole: nay
- K. Michael Conaway: nay
- Gerald E. Connolly: yea
- Jim Cooper: yea
- Jim Costa: yea
- Joe Courtney: yea
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: nay
- Henry Cuellar: yea
- Elijah E. Cummings: yea
- Danny K. Davis: yea
- Susan A. Davis: yea
- Peter A. DeFazio: yea
- Diana DeGette: yea
- Rosa L. DeLauro: absent
- Scott DesJarlais: nay
- Theodore E. Deutch: yea
- Mario Diaz-Balart: nay
- Lloyd Doggett: yea
- Michael F. Doyle: yea
- Sean P. Duffy: absent
- Jeff Duncan: nay
- Eliot L. Engel: yea
- Anna G. Eshoo: yea
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: nay
- Bill Flores: nay
- Jeff Fortenberry: nay
- Virginia Foxx: nay
- Marcia L. Fudge: yea
- John Garamendi: yea
- Bob Gibbs: absent
- Louie Gohmert: nay
- Paul A. Gosar: nay
- Kay Granger: nay
- Sam Graves: nay
- Tom Graves: nay
- Al Green: yea
- H. Morgan Griffith: nay
- Raúl M. Grijalva: yea
- Brett Guthrie: nay
- Andy Harris: nay
- Vicky Hartzler: absent
- Alcee L. Hastings: absent
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: yea
- Brian Higgins: yea
- James A. Himes: yea
- Steny H. Hoyer: yea
- Bill Huizenga: nay
- Duncan D. Hunter: nay
- Sheila Jackson Lee: yea
- Bill Johnson: nay
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: yea
- Henry C. "Hank Johnson, " Jr.: yea
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: absent
- Jim Jordan: nay
- Marcy Kaptur: yea
- William R. Keating: yea
- Mike Kelly: nay
- Ron Kind: absent
- Peter T. King: nay
- Steve King: nay
- Adam Kinzinger: nay
- Doug Lamborn: nay
- James R. Langevin: yea
- Rick Larsen: yea
- John B. Larson: yea
- Robert E. Latta: nay
- Barbara Lee: yea
- John Lewis: yea
- Daniel Lipinski: yea
- David Loebsack: yea
- Zoe Lofgren: yea
- Billy Long: nay
- Nita M. Lowey: yea
- Frank D. Lucas: nay
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: nay
- Ben Ray Lujan: yea
- Stephen F. Lynch: yea
- Carolyn B. Maloney: yea
- Kenny Marchant: nay
- Doris O. Matsui: yea
- Kevin McCarthy: nay
- Michael T. McCaul: nay
- Tom McClintock: nay
- Betty McCollum: yea
- James P. McGovern: yea
- Patrick T. McHenry: nay
- David B. McKinley: nay
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: nay
- Jerry McNerney: absent
- Gregory W. Meeks: yea
- Gwen Moore: yea
- Jerrold Nadler: yea
- Grace F. Napolitano: yea
- Richard E. Neal: absent
- Devin Nunes: nay
- Pete Olson: nay
- Steven M. Palazzo: nay
- Frank Pallone, Jr.: yea
- Bill Pascrell, Jr.: yea
- Ed Perlmutter: yea
- Collin C. Peterson: yea
- Chellie Pingree: yea
- Bill Posey: nay
- David E. Price: yea
- Mike Quigley: yea
- Tom Reed: nay
- Cedric L. Richmond: yea
- Martha Roby: nay
- David P. Roe: nay
- Harold Rogers: nay
- Mike D. Rogers: nay
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: yea
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: yea
- Bobby L. Rush: yea
- Tim Ryan: yea
- John P. Sarbanes: yea
- Steve Scalise: nay
- Janice D. Schakowsky: yea
- Adam B. Schiff: yea
- Kurt Schrader: yea
- David Schweikert: nay
- Austin Scott: nay
- David Scott: yea
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: yea
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: absent
- Jose E. Serrano: yea
- Terri A. Sewell: yea
- Brad Sherman: yea
- John Shimkus: nay
- Michael K. Simpson: nay
- Albio Sires: yea
- Adam Smith: yea
- Adrian Smith: nay
- Christopher H. Smith: yea
- Jackie Speier: yea
- Steve Stivers: nay
- Linda T. Sánchez: absent
- Bennie G. Thompson: yea
- Mike Thompson: yea
- Glenn Thompson: nay
- Mac Thornberry: nay
- Scott R. Tipton: nay
- Paul Tonko: yea
- Michael R. Turner: nay
- Fred Upton: nay
- Nydia M. Velazquez: absent
- Peter J. Visclosky: yea
- Tim Walberg: nay
- Greg Walden: nay
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: yea
- Maxine Waters: yea
- Daniel Webster: nay
- Peter Welch: yea
- Joe Wilson: nay
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: nay
- Steve Womack: nay
- Rob Woodall: nay
- John A. Yarmuth: yea
- Don Young: nay
- Mark E. Amodei: nay
- Suzanne Bonamici: yea
- Suzan K. DelBene: yea
- Thomas Massie: nay
- Donald M. Payne, Jr.: absent
- Bill Foster: yea
- Ann Kirkpatrick: yea
- Dina Titus: yea
- Doug LaMalfa: nay
- Jared Huffman: yea
- Ami Bera: yea
- Paul Cook: nay
- Eric Swalwell: yea
- Julia Brownley: yea
- Tony Cárdenas: yea
- Raul Ruiz: yea
- Mark Takano: yea
- Alan S. Lowenthal: yea
- Juan Vargas: yea
- Scott H. Peters: yea
- Ted S. Yoho: nay
- Lois Frankel: yea
- Doug Collins: nay
- Tulsi Gabbard: yea
- Bradley Scott Schneider: yea
- Rodney Davis: nay
- Cheri Bustos: yea
- Jackie Walorski: nay
- Susan W. Brooks: nay
- Andy Barr: nay
- Joseph P. Kennedy, III: yea
- Daniel T. Kildee: yea
- Ann Wagner: nay
- Richard Hudson: nay
- Mark Meadows: nay
- George Holding: nay
- Ann M. Kuster: yea
- Steven Horsford: yea
- Grace Meng: yea
- Hakeem S. Jeffries: yea
- Sean Patrick Maloney: yea
- Chris Collins: nay
- Brad R. Wenstrup: nay
- Joyce Beatty: yea
- David P. Joyce: nay
- Markwayne Mullin: nay
- Scott Perry: absent
- Matt Cartwright: absent
- Tom Rice: nay
- Randy K. Weber, Sr.: nay
- Joaquin Castro: yea
- Roger Williams: nay
- Marc A. Veasey: yea
- Filemon Vela: yea
- Chris Stewart: nay
- Derek Kilmer: yea
- Denny Heck: yea
- Mark Pocan: yea
- Robin L. Kelly: yea
- Jason Smith: nay
- Bradley Byrne: nay
- Katherine M. Clark: yea
- Ralph Lee Abraham: absent
- Alma S. Adams: yea
- Pete Aguilar: yea
- Rick W. Allen: nay
- Brian Babin: nay
- Donald S. Beyer, Jr.: yea
- Mike Bost: nay
- Brendan F. Boyle: yea
- Ken Buck: nay
- Earl L. "Buddy" Carter: nay
- Mark DeSaulnier: yea
- Debbie Dingell: yea
- Tom Emmer: nay
- Ruben Gallego: yea
- Garret Graves: nay
- Glenn Grothman: nay
- Jody B. Hice: nay
- J. French Hill: nay
- Will Hurd: yea
- John Katko: yea
- Brenda L. Lawrence: yea
- Ted Lieu: yea
- Barry Loudermilk: nay
- John R. Moolenaar: nay
- Alexander X. Mooney: nay
- Seth Moulton: yea
- Dan Newhouse: nay
- Donald Norcross: yea
- Gary J. Palmer: nay
- John Ratcliffe: nay
- Kathleen M. Rice: yea
- David Rouzer: nay
- Elise M. Stefanik: yea
- Norma J. Torres: yea
- Mark Walker: nay
- Bonnie Watson Coleman: yea
- Bruce Westerman: nay
- Lee M. Zeldin: nay
- Trent Kelly: nay
- Jodey C. Arrington: nay
- Don Bacon: nay
- Jim Banks: nay
- Nanette Diaz Barragan: yea
- Jack Bergman: nay
- Andy Biggs: nay
- Lisa Blunt Rochester: yea
- Anthony G. Brown: yea
- Ted Budd: nay
- Salud O. Carbajal: yea
- Liz Cheney: nay
- James Comer: nay
- J. Luis Correa: yea
- Charlie Crist: yea
- Warren Davidson: nay
- Val Butler Demings: yea
- Neal P. Dunn: nay
- Adriano Espaillat: yea
- Dwight Evans: yea
- A. Drew Ferguson, IV: nay
- Brian K. Fitzpatrick: yea
- Matt Gaetz: nay
- Mike Gallagher: nay
- Vicente Gonzalez: yea
- Josh Gottheimer: yea
- Clay Higgins: nay
- Trey Hollingsworth: nay
- Pramila Jayapal: yea
- Mike Johnson: nay
- Ro Khanna: yea
- Raja Krishnamoorthi: yea
- David Kustoff: nay
- Darin LaHood: nay
- Al Lawson, Jr.: yea
- Roger Marshall: nay
- Brian J. Mast: nay
- A. Donald McEachin: yea
- Paul Mitchell: nay
- Stephanie N. Murphy: yea
- Tom O'Halleran: yea
- Jimmy Panetta: yea
- Jamie Raskin: yea
- Francis Rooney: absent
- John H. Rutherford: nay
- Lloyd Smucker: nay
- Darren Soto: yea
- Thomas R. Suozzi: yea
- Ron Estes: nay
- Greg Gianforte: nay
- Ralph Norman: nay
- Jimmy Gomez: yea
- John R. Curtis: nay
- Conor Lamb: yea
- Debbie Lesko: nay
- Michael Cloud: nay
- Troy Balderson: nay
- Kevin Hern: nay
- Joseph D. Morelle: yea
- Mary Gay Scanlon: yea
- Susan Wild: yea
- Colin Z. Allred: yea
- Kelly Armstrong: nay
- Cynthia Axne: yea
- James R. Baird: nay
- Anthony Brindisi: yea
- Tim Burchett: nay
- Sean Casten: yea
- Gilbert Ray Cisneros, Jr.: yea
- Ben Cline: nay
- TJ Cox: yea
- Angie Craig: yea
- Dan Crenshaw: nay
- Jason Crow: yea
- Joe Cunningham: yea
- Sharice Davids: yea
- Madeleine Dean: yea
- Antonio Delgado: yea
- Veronica Escobar: yea
- Abby Finkenauer: yea
- Lizzie Fletcher: yea
- Russ Fulcher: nay
- Jesus G. "Chuy" Garcia: yea
- Sylvia R. Garcia: yea
- Anthony Gonzalez: nay
- Lance Gooden: nay
- Mark E. Green: nay
- Michael Guest: nay
- Debra A. Haaland: yea
- Jim Hagedorn: nay
- Josh Harder: yea
- Jahana Hayes: yea
- Katie Hill: yea
- Kendra S. Horn: yea
- Chrissy Houlahan: yea
- Dusty Johnson: nay
- John Joyce: nay
- Andy Kim: yea
- Susie Lee: yea
- Andy Levin: yea
- Mike Levin: yea
- Elaine G. Luria: yea
- Tom Malinowski: yea
- Ben McAdams: yea
- Lucy McBath: yea
- Daniel Meuser: nay
- Carol D. Miller: nay
- Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: yea
- Joe Neguse: yea
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: nay
- Ilhan Omar: yea
- Chris Pappas: yea
- Greg Pence: nay
- Dean Phillips: yea
- Katie Porter: yea
- Ayanna Pressley: yea
- Guy Reschenthaler: nay
- Denver Riggleman: nay
- John W. Rose: nay
- Max Rose: yea
- Harley Rouda: yea
- Chip Roy: nay
- Kim Schrier: yea
- Donna E. Shalala: yea
- Mikie Sherrill: yea
- Elissa Slotkin: yea
- Abigail Davis Spanberger: yea
- Ross Spano: nay
- Greg Stanton: yea
- Pete Stauber: nay
- Bryan Steil: nay
- W. Gregory Steube: nay
- Haley M. Stevens: yea
- Van Taylor: nay
- William R. IV Timmons: nay
- Rashida Tlaib: yea
- Xochitl Torres Small: yea
- Lori Trahan: yea
- David J. Trone: yea
- Lauren Underwood: yea
- Jefferson Van Drew: yea
- Michael Waltz: nay
- Steve Watkins: nay
- Jennifer Wexton: yea
- Ron Wright: absent
- Jared F. Golden: yea
January 17, 2019: On Motion to Recommit with Instructions
- Yeas: 195
- Nays: 222
- Absent: 16
Details: + −
- Ed Case: nay
- Robert B. Aderholt: yea
- Justin Amash: yea
- Karen Bass: nay
- Gus M. Bilirakis: yea
- Rob Bishop: yea
- Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.: nay
- Earl Blumenauer: nay
- Kevin Brady: yea
- Mo Brooks: yea
- Vern Buchanan: yea
- Larry Bucshon: yea
- Michael C. Burgess: yea
- G. K. Butterfield: nay
- Ken Calvert: yea
- Andre Carson: nay
- John R. Carter: yea
- Kathy Castor: nay
- Steve Chabot: yea
- Judy Chu: nay
- David N. Cicilline: nay
- Yvette D. Clarke: nay
- Wm. Lacy Clay: nay
- Emanuel Cleaver: nay
- James E. Clyburn: nay
- Steve Cohen: nay
- Tom Cole: yea
- K. Michael Conaway: yea
- Gerald E. Connolly: nay
- Jim Cooper: nay
- Jim Costa: nay
- Joe Courtney: nay
- Eric A. "Rick" Crawford: yea
- Henry Cuellar: nay
- Elijah E. Cummings: nay
- Danny K. Davis: nay
- Susan A. Davis: nay
- Peter A. DeFazio: nay
- Diana DeGette: nay
- Rosa L. DeLauro: nay
- Scott DesJarlais: yea
- Theodore E. Deutch: nay
- Mario Diaz-Balart: yea
- Lloyd Doggett: nay
- Michael F. Doyle: absent
- Sean P. Duffy: yea
- Jeff Duncan: yea
- Eliot L. Engel: nay
- Anna G. Eshoo: nay
- Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann: yea
- Bill Flores: yea
- Jeff Fortenberry: yea
- Virginia Foxx: yea
- Marcia L. Fudge: nay
- John Garamendi: nay
- Bob Gibbs: yea
- Louie Gohmert: yea
- Paul A. Gosar: yea
- Kay Granger: yea
- Sam Graves: yea
- Tom Graves: yea
- Al Green: nay
- H. Morgan Griffith: yea
- Raúl M. Grijalva: nay
- Brett Guthrie: yea
- Andy Harris: yea
- Vicky Hartzler: yea
- Alcee L. Hastings: nay
- Jaime Herrera Beutler: yea
- Brian Higgins: nay
- James A. Himes: nay
- Steny H. Hoyer: nay
- Bill Huizenga: yea
- Duncan D. Hunter: yea
- Sheila Jackson Lee: nay
- Bill Johnson: yea
- Eddie Bernice Johnson: nay
- Henry C. "Hank Johnson, " Jr.: nay
- Walter B. Jones, Jr.: absent
- Jim Jordan: yea
- Marcy Kaptur: nay
- William R. Keating: nay
- Mike Kelly: yea
- Ron Kind: nay
- Peter T. King: yea
- Steve King: yea
- Adam Kinzinger: yea
- Doug Lamborn: yea
- James R. Langevin: nay
- Rick Larsen: nay
- John B. Larson: nay
- Robert E. Latta: yea
- Barbara Lee: nay
- John Lewis: nay
- Daniel Lipinski: nay
- David Loebsack: nay
- Zoe Lofgren: nay
- Billy Long: yea
- Nita M. Lowey: nay
- Frank D. Lucas: yea
- Blaine Luetkemeyer: yea
- Ben Ray Lujan: nay
- Stephen F. Lynch: nay
- Carolyn B. Maloney: nay
- Kenny Marchant: yea
- Tom Marino: absent
- Doris O. Matsui: nay
- Kevin McCarthy: yea
- Michael T. McCaul: yea
- Tom McClintock: yea
- Betty McCollum: nay
- James P. McGovern: nay
- Patrick T. McHenry: yea
- David B. McKinley: yea
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers: yea
- Jerry McNerney: nay
- Gregory W. Meeks: nay
- Gwen Moore: nay
- Jerrold Nadler: nay
- Grace F. Napolitano: nay
- Richard E. Neal: nay
- Devin Nunes: yea
- Pete Olson: yea
- Steven M. Palazzo: yea
- Frank Pallone, Jr.: nay
- Bill Pascrell, Jr.: nay
- Ed Perlmutter: nay
- Collin C. Peterson: nay
- Chellie Pingree: nay
- Bill Posey: yea
- David E. Price: nay
- Mike Quigley: nay
- Tom Reed: yea
- Cedric L. Richmond: nay
- Martha Roby: yea
- David P. Roe: yea
- Harold Rogers: yea
- Mike D. Rogers: yea
- Lucille Roybal-Allard: nay
- C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger: nay
- Bobby L. Rush: absent
- Tim Ryan: nay
- John P. Sarbanes: nay
- Steve Scalise: yea
- Janice D. Schakowsky: nay
- Adam B. Schiff: nay
- Kurt Schrader: nay
- David Schweikert: yea
- Austin Scott: yea
- David Scott: nay
- Robert C. "Bobby" Scott: nay
- F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.: absent
- Jose E. Serrano: nay
- Terri A. Sewell: nay
- Brad Sherman: nay
- John Shimkus: yea
- Michael K. Simpson: yea
- Albio Sires: nay
- Adam Smith: nay
- Adrian Smith: yea
- Christopher H. Smith: yea
- Jackie Speier: nay
- Steve Stivers: yea
- Linda T. Sánchez: nay
- Bennie G. Thompson: nay
- Mike Thompson: nay
- Glenn Thompson: yea
- Mac Thornberry: yea
- Scott R. Tipton: yea
- Paul Tonko: nay
- Michael R. Turner: yea
- Fred Upton: yea
- Nydia M. Velazquez: nay
- Peter J. Visclosky: nay
- Tim Walberg: yea
- Greg Walden: yea
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz: nay
- Maxine Waters: nay
- Daniel Webster: yea
- Peter Welch: nay
- Joe Wilson: yea
- Frederica S. Wilson: absent
- Robert J. Wittman: yea
- Steve Womack: yea
- Rob Woodall: yea
- John A. Yarmuth: nay
- Don Young: yea
- Mark E. Amodei: yea
- Suzanne Bonamici: nay
- Suzan K. DelBene: nay
- Thomas Massie: absent
- Donald M. Payne, Jr.: absent
- Bill Foster: nay
- Ann Kirkpatrick: nay
- Dina Titus: nay
- Doug LaMalfa: yea
- Jared Huffman: nay
- Ami Bera: nay
- Paul Cook: yea
- Eric Swalwell: nay
- Julia Brownley: nay
- Tony Cárdenas: nay
- Raul Ruiz: nay
- Mark Takano: nay
- Alan S. Lowenthal: nay
- Juan Vargas: nay
- Scott H. Peters: nay
- Ted S. Yoho: yea
- Lois Frankel: nay
- Doug Collins: yea
- Tulsi Gabbard: nay
- Bradley Scott Schneider: nay
- Rodney Davis: yea
- Cheri Bustos: nay
- Jackie Walorski: yea
- Susan W. Brooks: yea
- Andy Barr: yea
- Joseph P. Kennedy, III: nay
- Daniel T. Kildee: nay
- Ann Wagner: yea
- Richard Hudson: yea
- Mark Meadows: yea
- George Holding: yea
- Ann M. Kuster: nay
- Steven Horsford: nay
- Grace Meng: absent
- Hakeem S. Jeffries: nay
- Sean Patrick Maloney: nay
- Chris Collins: yea
- Brad R. Wenstrup: yea
- Joyce Beatty: nay
- David P. Joyce: yea
- Markwayne Mullin: yea
- Scott Perry: yea
- Matt Cartwright: nay
- Tom Rice: yea
- Randy K. Weber, Sr.: yea
- Joaquin Castro: nay
- Roger Williams: yea
- Marc A. Veasey: nay
- Filemon Vela: nay
- Chris Stewart: yea
- Derek Kilmer: nay
- Denny Heck: nay
- Mark Pocan: nay
- Robin L. Kelly: nay
- Jason Smith: yea
- Bradley Byrne: yea
- Katherine M. Clark: nay
- Ralph Lee Abraham: yea
- Alma S. Adams: nay
- Pete Aguilar: nay
- Rick W. Allen: yea
- Brian Babin: yea
- Donald S. Beyer, Jr.: nay
- Mike Bost: yea
- Brendan F. Boyle: nay
- Ken Buck: yea
- Earl L. "Buddy" Carter: yea
- Mark DeSaulnier: nay
- Debbie Dingell: nay
- Tom Emmer: yea
- Ruben Gallego: nay
- Garret Graves: yea
- Glenn Grothman: yea
- Jody B. Hice: yea
- J. French Hill: yea
- Will Hurd: yea
- John Katko: yea
- Brenda L. Lawrence: nay
- Ted Lieu: nay
- Barry Loudermilk: absent
- John R. Moolenaar: yea
- Alexander X. Mooney: yea
- Seth Moulton: yea
- Dan Newhouse: yea
- Donald Norcross: nay
- Gary J. Palmer: yea
- John Ratcliffe: yea
- Kathleen M. Rice: nay
- David Rouzer: yea
- Elise M. Stefanik: yea
- Norma J. Torres: nay
- Mark Walker: absent
- Bonnie Watson Coleman: nay
- Bruce Westerman: yea
- Lee M. Zeldin: yea
- Trent Kelly: yea
- Jodey C. Arrington: yea
- Don Bacon: yea
- Jim Banks: yea
- Nanette Diaz Barragan: nay
- Jack Bergman: yea
- Andy Biggs: yea
- Lisa Blunt Rochester: nay
- Anthony G. Brown: nay
- Ted Budd: yea
- Salud O. Carbajal: nay
- Liz Cheney: yea
- James Comer: yea
- J. Luis Correa: nay
- Charlie Crist: nay
- Warren Davidson: yea
- Val Butler Demings: nay
- Neal P. Dunn: yea
- Adriano Espaillat: nay
- Dwight Evans: nay
- A. Drew Ferguson, IV: yea
- Brian K. Fitzpatrick: yea
- Matt Gaetz: absent
- Mike Gallagher: yea
- Vicente Gonzalez: nay
- Josh Gottheimer: yea
- Clay Higgins: yea
- Trey Hollingsworth: yea
- Pramila Jayapal: nay
- Mike Johnson: absent
- Ro Khanna: nay
- Raja Krishnamoorthi: nay
- David Kustoff: yea
- Darin LaHood: yea
- Al Lawson, Jr.: nay
- Roger Marshall: yea
- Brian J. Mast: absent
- A. Donald McEachin: absent
- Paul Mitchell: yea
- Stephanie N. Murphy: nay
- Tom O'Halleran: nay
- Jimmy Panetta: nay
- Jamie Raskin: nay
- Francis Rooney: absent
- John H. Rutherford: yea
- Lloyd Smucker: yea
- Darren Soto: nay
- Thomas R. Suozzi: nay
- Ron Estes: yea
- Greg Gianforte: yea
- Ralph Norman: yea
- Jimmy Gomez: nay
- John R. Curtis: yea
- Conor Lamb: yea
- Debbie Lesko: yea
- Michael Cloud: yea
- Troy Balderson: yea
- Kevin Hern: yea
- Joseph D. Morelle: nay
- Mary Gay Scanlon: nay
- Susan Wild: nay
- Colin Z. Allred: nay
- Kelly Armstrong: yea
- Cynthia Axne: nay
- James R. Baird: yea
- Anthony Brindisi: nay
- Tim Burchett: yea
- Sean Casten: nay
- Gilbert Ray Cisneros, Jr.: nay
- Ben Cline: yea
- TJ Cox: nay
- Angie Craig: nay
- Dan Crenshaw: yea
- Jason Crow: nay
- Joe Cunningham: yea
- Sharice Davids: nay
- Madeleine Dean: nay
- Antonio Delgado: nay
- Veronica Escobar: nay
- Abby Finkenauer: nay
- Lizzie Fletcher: nay
- Russ Fulcher: yea
- Jesus G. "Chuy" Garcia: nay
- Sylvia R. Garcia: nay
- Anthony Gonzalez: yea
- Lance Gooden: yea
- Mark E. Green: yea
- Michael Guest: yea
- Debra A. Haaland: nay
- Jim Hagedorn: yea
- Josh Harder: nay
- Jahana Hayes: nay
- Katie Hill: nay
- Kendra S. Horn: nay
- Chrissy Houlahan: nay
- Dusty Johnson: yea
- John Joyce: yea
- Andy Kim: nay
- Susie Lee: nay
- Andy Levin: nay
- Mike Levin: nay
- Elaine G. Luria: nay
- Tom Malinowski: nay
- Ben McAdams: nay
- Lucy McBath: nay
- Daniel Meuser: yea
- Carol D. Miller: yea
- Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: nay
- Joe Neguse: nay
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: nay
- Ilhan Omar: nay
- Chris Pappas: nay
- Greg Pence: yea
- Dean Phillips: nay
- Katie Porter: nay
- Ayanna Pressley: nay
- Guy Reschenthaler: yea
- Denver Riggleman: yea
- John W. Rose: yea
- Max Rose: yea
- Harley Rouda: nay
- Chip Roy: yea
- Kim Schrier: nay
- Donna E. Shalala: nay
- Mikie Sherrill: nay
- Elissa Slotkin: nay
- Abigail Davis Spanberger: nay
- Ross Spano: yea
- Greg Stanton: nay
- Pete Stauber: yea
- Bryan Steil: yea
- W. Gregory Steube: yea
- Haley M. Stevens: nay
- Van Taylor: yea
- William R. IV Timmons: yea
- Rashida Tlaib: nay
- Xochitl Torres Small: nay
- Lori Trahan: nay
- David J. Trone: nay
- Lauren Underwood: nay
- Jefferson Van Drew: yea
- Michael Waltz: yea
- Steve Watkins: yea
- Jennifer Wexton: nay
- Ron Wright: yea
- Jared F. Golden: nay
US - House Appropriations (House)
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